Family Success

Reading and Beyond has been working to lift children, families, and disadvantaged communities since 1999. Utilizing a dual-generation theory of change, we focus on creating opportunities for families and addressing the needs of the children and the adults in their lives. We have developed evidence and outcome-based programs to support the community one step at a time to break the cycle of generational poverty.

California Bridge Academies

The California Bridge Academies is a system of programs designed to offer individualized case management and navigation services around educational and employment goals to unemployed and underemployed adults. The goal is to provide opportunities for economic mobility for the most vulnerable and under-served populations. Through engagement with Career and Family Navigators, our participants are connected to programs and services that place them on pathways toward stabilization and self-sufficiency. Program participants are connected with a Career and Family Navigator and work directly with them for a duration of up to 18 months to help them:

  • Understand their strengths, interests, and support systems
  • Identify areas of improvement and/or barriers to success
  • Create individualized plans to achieve barrier resolution and reach educational and employment success.

Our California Bridge Academies and dedicated team members are committed to meeting our program participants where they are, which is why our programs follow an “A-B-C” model approach.  We assist our participants in obtaining the education, training, and life skills needed to find A job, a Better job, and then a Career. Our program’s overall goal is for our participants to find employment that provides them with a sustainable wage for their families.

    We provide services across the counties of Fresno, Madera, and Kings. For more information, call us at (559) 825-4100.